Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The founders of TurningLeaf Inc., and TurningLeaf Wellness Center have long been concerned about inadequate funding and care for persons experiencing mental health, substance abuse and chronic pain issues. We realized with the ever changing economic times the need was becoming even greater.  For the past year, Scott and Ranae Wulff have been providing a Chronic Pain and Amputee Support group, hosted at the TurningLeaf Wellness Center office, the first Friday of every month and the response has been fantastic. 
In January 2011, TurningLeaf Foundation was formed and applied for a 501C3, non-profit status.  This is a lot of work to apply and we are indebted to Shelley Lantz for her organizational skills and interest in non-profits.  Without her help with the entire process, the Foundation might still be just a dream. 
In October 2011, we got a letter from the IRS approving our non-profit status.  We are finalizing the Board of Directors and hopefully in a matter of months the Foundation can begin helping those who need help.  Only those with monies are able to get the treatment they need for mental health, substance abuse or chronic pain.  We see this as an atrocity, a big concern and a huge liability for our communities.  Only less than a third of the citizens in our area are getting the help they need.  So we made an unmitigated commitment to further the care by the use of grants, fund raising, direct donations, and philanthropic support. 
Turning Leaf Wellness Center and TurningLeaf Foundation are two separate entities.  The Foundation’s application process will be open to all needing help in these areas.  So much depends on the generosity of others that can give.  If you are interested in more information, would like to volunteer in some area, or can give financial help, please contact the Foundation at (435) 705-9558.

Sue Judd, MSS, LSAC 
Licensed Substance Abuse Counselor